Cookiebro Options

General Settings

Auto-delete unwanted cookies at browser startup
Auto-delete indexedDB and localStorage of websites at browser startup
Auto-delete pluginData (e.g. Flash Cookies) of normal websites at browser startup
Auto-delete Service Workers of normal websites at browser startup
Protect session cookies from periodical auto-deletion
Accept session cookies also from blacklisted sites
Enable blacklist filtering
Delete ETag HTTP Response header from blacklisted sites with no matching whitelist setting
Delete Link HTTP Response header from blacklisted sites with no matching whitelist setting
Change extension icon automatically based on whether site in active tab is whitelisted or not
Disable favicons in Cookie Editor and Cookie Log view
Disable Cookie event logging (don't show new events in the Cookie Log view)

Whitelist Settings (Allow)

Blacklist Settings (Block)

Sites with Whitelisted Cookies

Sites with Unwanted Cookies

Sites with Session Cookies