a | Create HTML tags |
as.tags | Convert a value to tags |
attachDependencies | HTML dependency metadata |
bindFillRole | Allow tags to intelligently fill their container |
br | Create HTML tags |
browsable | Make an HTML object browsable |
builder | Create HTML tags |
capturePlot | Capture a plot as a saved file |
code | Create HTML tags |
copyDependencyToDir | Copy an HTML dependency to a directory |
css | CSS string helper |
defaultPngDevice | Determine the best PNG device for your system |
div | Create HTML tags |
doRenderTags | Render tags into HTML |
em | Create HTML tags |
extractPreserveChunks | Preserve HTML regions |
findDependencies | Collect attached dependencies from HTML tag object |
h1 | Create HTML tags |
h2 | Create HTML tags |
h3 | Create HTML tags |
h4 | Create HTML tags |
h5 | Create HTML tags |
h6 | Create HTML tags |
hr | Create HTML tags |
HTML | Mark Characters as HTML |
htmlDependencies | HTML dependency metadata |
htmlDependencies<- | HTML dependency metadata |
htmlDependency | Define an HTML dependency |
htmlEscape | Escape HTML entities |
htmlPreserve | Preserve HTML regions |
htmlTemplate | Process an HTML template |
html_print | Implementation of the print method for HTML |
img | Create HTML tags |
include | Include Content From a File |
includeCSS | Include Content From a File |
includeHTML | Include Content From a File |
includeMarkdown | Include Content From a File |
includeScript | Include Content From a File |
includeText | Include Content From a File |
is.browsable | Make an HTML object browsable |
is.singleton | Include content only once |
knitr_methods | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.html | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.html_dependency | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.shiny.tag | Knitr S3 methods |
knit_print.shiny.tag.list | Knitr S3 methods |
makeDependencyRelative | Make an absolute dependency relative |
p | Create HTML tags |
parseCssColors | Parse CSS color strings |
plotTag | Capture a plot as a self-contained <img> tag |
pre | Create HTML tags |
print.html | Print method for HTML/tags |
print.shiny.tag | Print method for HTML/tags |
renderDependencies | Create HTML for dependencies |
renderDocument | Render an html_document object |
renderTags | Render tags into HTML |
resolveDependencies | Resolve a list of dependencies |
restorePreserveChunks | Preserve HTML regions |
save_html | Save an HTML object to a file |
singleton | Include content only once |
singleton_tools | Singleton manipulation functions |
span | Create HTML tags |
strong | Create HTML tags |
subtractDependencies | Subtract dependencies |
suppressDependencies | Suppress web dependencies |
surroundSingletons | Singleton manipulation functions |
tag | Create HTML tags |
tagAddRenderHook | Modify a tag prior to rendering |
tagAppendAttributes | Append tag attributes |
tagAppendChild | Modify tag contents |
tagAppendChildren | Modify tag contents |
tagFunction | Tag function |
tagGetAttribute | Append tag attributes |
tagHasAttribute | Append tag attributes |
tagInsertChildren | Modify tag contents |
tagList | Create a list of tags |
tagQuery | Query and modify HTML tags |
tags | Create HTML tags |
tagSetChildren | Modify tag contents |
takeSingletons | Singleton manipulation functions |
urlEncodePath | Encode a URL path |
validateCssUnit | Validate proper CSS formatting of a unit |
withTags | Evaluate an expression using 'tags' |