Scale Functions for Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘scales’ version 1.2.1

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-- A --

abs_area Area palettes (continuous)
alpha Modify colour transparency
area_pal Area palettes (continuous)
asn_trans Arc-sin square root transformation
atanh_trans Arc-tangent transformation

-- B --

boxcox_trans Box-Cox & modulus transformations
breaks_extended Automatic breaks for numeric axes
breaks_log Breaks for log axes
breaks_pretty Pretty breaks for date/times
breaks_width Equally spaced breaks
brewer_pal Colour Brewer palette (discrete)

-- C --

censor Out of bounds handling
col2hcl Modify standard R colour in hcl colour space.
colour_ramp Fast colour interpolation
col_bin Colour mapping
col_factor Colour mapping
col_numeric Colour mapping
col_quantile Colour mapping
compose_trans Compose two or more transformations together
ContinuousRange Mutable ranges
cscale Continuous scale

-- D --

date_trans Transformation for dates (class Date)
dichromat_pal Dichromat (colour-blind) palette (discrete)
discard Out of bounds handling
DiscreteRange Mutable ranges
div_gradient_pal Diverging colour gradient (continuous).
dscale Discrete scale

-- E --

expand_range Expand a range with a multiplicative or additive constant
exp_trans Exponential transformation (inverse of log transformation)
extended_breaks Automatic breaks for numeric axes

-- G --

gradient_n_pal Arbitrary colour gradient palette (continuous)
grey_pal Grey scale palette (discrete)

-- H --

hms_trans Transformation for times (class hms)
hue_pal Hue palette (discrete)

-- I --

identity_pal Identity palette
identity_trans Identity transformation (do nothing)

-- L --

label_bytes Label bytes (1 kB, 2 MB, etc)
label_comma Label numbers in decimal format (e.g. 0.12, 1,234)
label_date Label date/times
label_date_short Label date/times
label_dollar Label currencies ($100, $2.50, etc)
label_log Label numbers in log format (10^3, 10^6, etc)
label_math Label with mathematical annotations
label_number Label numbers in decimal format (e.g. 0.12, 1,234)
label_number_auto Label numbers, avoiding scientific notation where possible
label_ordinal Label ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
label_parse Label with mathematical annotations
label_percent Label percentages (2.5%, 50%, etc)
label_pvalue Label p-values (e.g. <0.001, 0.25, p >= 0.99)
label_scientific Label numbers with scientific notation (e.g. 1e05, 1.5e-02)
label_time Label date/times
label_wrap Label strings by wrapping across multiple lines
linetype_pal Line type palette (discrete)
log10_trans Log transformations
log1p_trans Log transformations
log2_trans Log transformations
logit_trans Probability transformation
log_breaks Breaks for log axes
log_trans Log transformations

-- M --

manual_pal Manual palette (discrete)
minor_breaks_n Minor breaks
minor_breaks_width Minor breaks
modulus_trans Box-Cox & modulus transformations
muted Mute standard colour

-- O --

oob Out of bounds handling
oob_censor Out of bounds handling
oob_censor_any Out of bounds handling
oob_discard Out of bounds handling
oob_keep Out of bounds handling
oob_squish Out of bounds handling
oob_squish_any Out of bounds handling
oob_squish_infinite Out of bounds handling
ordinal_english Label ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
ordinal_french Label ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
ordinal_spanish Label ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)

-- P --

probability_trans Probability transformation
probit_trans Probability transformation
pseudo_log_trans Log transformations

-- R --

Range Mutable ranges
reciprocal_trans Reciprocal transformation
rescale Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale.Date Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale.dist Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale.integer64 Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale.logical Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale.numeric Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale.POSIXt Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
rescale_max Rescale numeric vector to have specified maximum
rescale_mid Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_mid.Date Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_mid.dist Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_mid.integer64 Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_mid.logical Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_mid.numeric Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_mid.POSIXt Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
rescale_none Don't perform rescaling
rescale_pal Rescale palette (continuous)
reverse_trans Reverse transformation

-- S --

seq_gradient_pal Sequential colour gradient palette (continuous)
shape_pal Shape palette (discrete)
sqrt_trans Square-root transformation
squish Out of bounds handling
squish_infinite Out of bounds handling

-- T --

time_trans Transformation for date-times (class POSIXt)
train_continuous Train (update) a continuous scale
train_discrete Train (update) a discrete scale

-- V --

viridis_pal Viridis palette

-- Y --

yj_trans Yeo-Johnson transformation

-- Z --

zero_range Determine if range of vector is close to zero, with a specified tolerance