/* * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 1998--2013 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/ */ /* These are the R interface routines to the plain FFT code fft_factor() & fft_work() in fft.c. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #undef _ #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #include #define _(String) dgettext ("stats", String) #else #define _(String) (String) #endif void fft_factor(int n, int *pmaxf, int *pmaxp); Rboolean fft_work(double *a, double *b, int nseg, int n, int nspn, int isn, double *work, int *iwork); #include "statsR.h" /* Fourier Transform for Univariate Spatial and Time Series */ SEXP fft(SEXP z, SEXP inverse) { SEXP d; int i, inv, maxf, maxmaxf, maxmaxp, maxp, n, ndims, nseg, nspn; double *work; int *iwork; size_t smaxf; size_t maxsize = ((size_t) -1) / 4; switch (TYPEOF(z)) { case INTSXP: case LGLSXP: case REALSXP: z = coerceVector(z, CPLXSXP); break; case CPLXSXP: if (MAYBE_REFERENCED(z)) z = duplicate(z); break; default: error(_("non-numeric argument")); } PROTECT(z); /* -2 for forward transform, complex values */ /* +2 for backward transform, complex values */ inv = asLogical(inverse); if (inv == NA_INTEGER || inv == 0) inv = -2; else inv = 2; if (LENGTH(z) > 1) { if (isNull(d = getAttrib(z, R_DimSymbol))) { /* temporal transform */ n = length(z); fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp); if (maxf == 0) error(_("fft factorization error")); smaxf = maxf; if (smaxf > maxsize) error("fft too large"); work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * smaxf, sizeof(double)); iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int)); fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[0].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[0].i), 1, n, 1, inv, work, iwork); } else { /* spatial transform */ maxmaxf = 1; maxmaxp = 1; ndims = LENGTH(d); /* do whole loop just for error checking and maxmax[fp] .. */ for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (INTEGER(d)[i] > 1) { fft_factor(INTEGER(d)[i], &maxf, &maxp); if (maxf == 0) error(_("fft factorization error")); if (maxf > maxmaxf) maxmaxf = maxf; if (maxp > maxmaxp) maxmaxp = maxp; } } smaxf = maxmaxf; if (smaxf > maxsize) error("fft too large"); work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * smaxf, sizeof(double)); iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxmaxp, sizeof(int)); nseg = LENGTH(z); n = 1; nspn = 1; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (INTEGER(d)[i] > 1) { nspn *= n; n = INTEGER(d)[i]; nseg /= n; fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp); fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[0].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[0].i), nseg, n, nspn, inv, work, iwork); } } } } UNPROTECT(1); return z; } /* Fourier Transform for Vector-Valued ("multivariate") Series */ /* Not to be confused with the spatial case (in do_fft). */ SEXP mvfft(SEXP z, SEXP inverse) { SEXP d; int i, inv, maxf, maxp, n, p; double *work; int *iwork; size_t smaxf; size_t maxsize = ((size_t) -1) / 4; d = getAttrib(z, R_DimSymbol); if (d == R_NilValue || length(d) > 2) error(_("vector-valued (multivariate) series required")); n = INTEGER(d)[0]; p = INTEGER(d)[1]; switch(TYPEOF(z)) { case INTSXP: case LGLSXP: case REALSXP: z = coerceVector(z, CPLXSXP); break; case CPLXSXP: if (MAYBE_REFERENCED(z)) z = duplicate(z); break; default: error(_("non-numeric argument")); } PROTECT(z); /* -2 for forward transform, complex values */ /* +2 for backward transform, complex values */ inv = asLogical(inverse); if (inv == NA_INTEGER || inv == 0) inv = -2; else inv = 2; if (n > 1) { fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp); if (maxf == 0) error(_("fft factorization error")); smaxf = maxf; if (smaxf > maxsize) error("fft too large"); work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * smaxf, sizeof(double)); iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < p; i++) { fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp); fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[i*n].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[i*n].i), 1, n, 1, inv, work, iwork); } } UNPROTECT(1); return z; } static Rboolean ok_n(int n, int *f, int nf) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) { while(n % f[i] == 0) { if ((n = n / f[i]) == 1) return TRUE; } } return n == 1; } static int nextn0(int n, int *f, int nf) { while(!ok_n(n, f, nf)) n++; return n; } SEXP nextn(SEXP n, SEXP factors) { SEXP f, ans; int i, nn, nf; PROTECT(n = coerceVector(n, INTSXP)); PROTECT(f = coerceVector(factors, INTSXP)); nn = LENGTH(n); nf = LENGTH(f); /* check the factors */ if (nf == 0) error(_("no factors")); for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) if (INTEGER(f)[i] == NA_INTEGER || INTEGER(f)[i] <= 1) error(_("invalid factors")); ans = allocVector(INTSXP, nn); for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) { if (INTEGER(n)[i] == NA_INTEGER) INTEGER(ans)[i] = NA_INTEGER; else if (INTEGER(n)[i] <= 1) INTEGER(ans)[i] = 1; else INTEGER(ans)[i] = nextn0(INTEGER(n)[i], INTEGER(f), nf); } UNPROTECT(2); return ans; }